Club Rules

1                       TITLE            The name of the Club is BLACKWATER VALLEY RUNNERS (hereinafter to be referred to referred to as “the Club”), and may also be known as BVR.

2                       HEADQUARTERS            The headquarters of the Club is at the clubhouse of Aldershot Cricket Club, Guildford Road, Aldershot, GU12 4BP.

3                       OBJECTIVES            The objectives of the Club are:

a.      To promote amateur athletics in the Blackwater Valley area.
b.      To provide training and coaching for members.
c.      To organise open and club running events.
d.      To organise teams to represent the Club in championships and leagues and in such other competitions as the Committee shall decide.
e.      To ensure a duty of care to all members of the Club.
f.       To provide all club services in a way that is fair to everyone.            The Club shall cater for the following athletics disciplines: Road Running, Cross-Country Running.            The Club shall seek to be affiliated to national and regional amateur athletic bodies as the Committee consider appropriate in order to carry out the objectives of the Club.

4                       MEMBERSHIP            Membership of the Club shall be open to persons who are amateurs as defined by UK athletics governing bodies, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.            The membership consists of the following categories:

a.      Full Membership is for persons intending to use the club’s facilities to run and/or enter competitions under the club’s name.
b.      Associate Membership is for persons who expect to attend the club more than four times over a three month period, but use only the club’s social facilities.
c.      Honorary Membership will have the same status as full membership but not be required to pay membership fees. The awarding of Honorary Membership will be at the discretion of the Committee.            All club members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the Club will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of practice that the Club has adopted.            Any club member may bring to the Club up to two guests as temporary associate members for any particular function or event.            Any person seeking to gain membership of the Club shall first submit a completed application form together with the appropriate membership fee to the Secretary.            Any former member wishing to rejoin the Club shall apply in the same manner as a new applicant.            Persons shall not be eligible to take part in the business of the Club, vote at general meetings or be eligible for selection for any Club team unless the applicable subscription has been paid by the due date and/or membership has been agreed by the Committee.            The Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. In exercising these powers the Committee shall adhere to the Club’s disciplinary procedures. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the members.            A club member wishing to terminate his/her membership shall inform the club’s Secretary, by email or in writing.          Any member who resigns, is requested to resign, or is expelled from the club shall have no claim on the club, its property and any fees paid.

5                       MEMBERSHIP FEES            Members shall be required to pay membership fees.            Membership fees shall be collected in the form of an annual subscription, due on 1st April. The scale of charges is stated on the membership application form. These shall be set annually by the committee, but may be altered at the AGM, or an SGM called specifically for that purpose.            Existing members shall be given six weeks grace following the 1st April, by which date (13th May) the annual subscription must be paid, after which their club membership will be terminated..  At the discretion of the Treasurer, payment may be made in two equal installments, with the second installment being due on 1st September.            The Club will keep fees at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.

6                       COMMITTEE            The management of the club shall be vested in a President and a Committee consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer who shall be Officers of the Club, plus a maximum of thirteen other members. The Officers and other Committee members are to be elected annually. Once elected, the President will remain in position until they choose to step down, or they are asked to step down by the Committee.            All committee members must be members of the Club.            The Committee shall have the authority to fill any vacancy that may arise and co-opt members as it deems necessary.            Normal club business will be conducted at committee meetings, called on a regular basis by the Secretary and attended by the full Committee wherever possible.            Club business may be transacted by a quorum of not less than five committee members one of whom must be an Officer of the Club.            Committee meeting proceedings must be reported by the Secretary to the full Committee at the earliest possible moment following the meeting.            The Committee shall have the power, for and on behalf of the club, to:

a.      Pay accounts and incur liabilities.
b.      Institute and defend legal proceedings.
c.      Appoint individuals to perform specific duties on behalf of the Committee, and to delegate to those individuals such duties as they consider appropriate            The Committee shall have the power to legislate on any matter appertaining to the club that is not covered by the club rules.


7.1                  AGM            An AGM shall be held at the end of each financial year.            The Secretary must give every member at least twenty-one day’s notice of the AGM.            Notice of any business which any member desires to have placed on the agenda, must be given in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the AGM.            At the AGM the meeting will:

a.      Receive addresses from the President and Chairperson.
b.      Approve the minutes of the previous year’s AGM.
c.      Receive reports from the Secretary and Treasurer.
d.      Approve the accounts for the last financial year.
e.      Elect the officers and other committee members for the ensuing year.
f.       Consider any amendment to the constitution of which due notice has been given to all members. Any proposed change to the constitution must be received by the Secretary at least 14 days preceding the meeting in order that all members shall have sufficient notice of the proposal.

7.2                  SGM            An SGM must be called by the Secretary within fourteen days of receipt, by him, of a request, in writing signed by at least ten members of the club, stating the business to be brought before such a meeting.            The Secretary shall give at least seven days notice to every member, of the time and place of an SGM and the business to be dealt with. No other business shall be dealt with at any such SGM.

7.3                  Voting            No business shall be conducted at an AGM or SGM unless a quorum is achieved – 20% of the current membership is required.            All club members shall have the right to vote at an AGM or SGM.            Items of business at an AGM or SGM or committee meeting will be accepted or rejected by a single majority vote. In the case of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

8                       FINANCE            The Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club.            The financial year of the Club shall begin on 1st April and end on 31 st March.            All funds belonging to the Club shall be deposited with a bank or building society in accounts that shall carry the Club title. All accounts shall operate on two signatories, one of whom will be the Treasurer and the other another committee member with the relevant bank authority.            A statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the AGM.            Any member wishing to have clarification of any item on the accounts presented at the AGM may be given an explanation, by appointment with the Treasurer.            An Independent Examiner who is not a member of the Committee shall be appointed each year to examine the Club’s books and annual accounts, and confirm that the annual accounts have been properly prepared.            Expenditure above agreed budget levels may only be authorised at a committee meeting.            Any monies paid to the club in payment or part payment for or towards the cost of any club function or activity, shall not be refunded once bookings have been made except when:

a.      The booking is taken over and paid by another member of the club.
b.      Due to extenuating circumstances, but then only at the discretion of the Committee.            Any club member receiving monies on behalf of the club shall account for the same to the Treasurer at the earliest possible moment, and all club members should consult the Treasurer before entering into any financial matters affecting the club.

9                       PROPERTY AND FUNDS            All Club property shall be vested in the Committee, who shall have responsibility for it.            The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the rules and all surplus income or profits shall be reinvested in the Club.            The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, travel expenses and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Finance Act 2013.            The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:

a.      Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment.
b.      Employ members and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the Committee without the person concerned being present.
c.      Pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting guests.

10                    DISCIPLINE AND APPEALS          Any member wishing to make a formal complaint about the Club management or have any business brought before the Committee, must submit the complaint or business, by email or in writing, to the Secretary or Chair, who shall acknowledge the receipt and bring the matter forward at the next committee meeting. The member shall be informed of the outcome of any action taken.          If a complaint is made about the conduct of a club member (including a member of the committee), the Secretary or Chair shall, upon the receipt of the complaint in writing, convene a sub-committee of five committee members to consider the matter. The Secretary or Chair will email all committee members, except any member whom the complaint is against, with only the date and time of the disciplinary sub-committee and no further information; the first 5 committee members who reply and can attend will constitute the disciplinary sub-committee.          Additionally, a further sub-committee of five different committee members will be organised to act as the appeal sub-committee in the event of an appeal.          The disciplinary sub-committee may, after affording the member an opportunity to explain their conduct, decide either to warn them as to their future conduct, request their resignation from the club or committee, to be submitted within a specified time, or expel them from the club or committee.          The outcome of a disciplinary hearing shall be notified by email or in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within five days of the committee meeting.          There will be the right of appeal to the Committee following disciplinary action being announced and within 5 days of receipt of the announcement. The appeal sub-committee shall consider the appeal within ten days of the Secretary or Chair receiving the appeal.          To request a resignation of, or to expel a member, the votes of at least two thirds of the full Committee must be in favour of the resignation or expulsion. This full committee meeting must be held after any appeal procedure has taken place. If it is not possible to reach a satisfactory conclusion, then the Secretary or Chair shall seek advice on how to proceed from the governing athletic body.

11                    WINDING UP OF CLUB AFFAIRS          The members may vote to wind up the Club if not less than three quarters of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting.          The Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs.          After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:

a.      To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered charity and/or
b.      To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered CASC and/or
c.      To the Club’s national governing bodies for use by them for related community sports.

12                    ALTERATIONS TO THE CLUB RULES          No alterations, additions or subtractions from the rules may be made except by an AGM, or an SGM called specifically for that purpose. Notice of any proposed changes to the rules must be given as provided by the rules in section 7.

13                    PRIORITY          Interpretation of all the above rules must be consistent with the statutory requirements for CASCs (which means Community Amateur Sports Clubs as first provided for by the Finance Act 2002).

14                    REVISION HISTORY          This Constitution was formally adopted at the AGM held on 19th March 2014 and replaces the Club’s previous Constitution used since 2001.          Updated in line with changes agreed at the club AGM on 25/03/2015 increasing the committee membership to a president, three officers plus up to a maximum of ten other committee members.          Updated in line with changes agreed at the club AGM on 7th March 2018. – objective widened to “To organise open and club running events”. – clarifies that the President is not elected each year. – now aligned with Finance act 2013. 10.11.2 –  a complaint no longer has to be signed by 5 club members.          Significant changes to Section 10 (“Discipline and Appeals”) using wording approved at a pre-run SGM on 27th June 2018 – clarification of the process including the appeals procedure, for both regular members and committee members.          At the club Online AGM on 25th March 2020, it was agreed to expand the maximum possible size of the committee. Clause has changed from “plus a maximum of ten other members” to “plus a maximum of twelve other members”.          At the AGM on 29thMarch 2023, it was agreed that in future the committee would decide the annual membership fees each March, and they would no longer need to be approved at an AGM. This affects the following clauses:  Clause – has been deleted. Clause – Final words “as determined at the AGM” deleted. Clause – Change last sentence to “These shall be set annually by the committee, but may be altered at the AGM, or an SGM called specifically for that purpose.”.         At the AGM on 20th March 2024, it was agreed that the maximum committee size be increased by one to 16. Clause updated.