
You need to try us out for free before joining. Use the Contact Us page to get in touch.  After trying us out, we'll send you joining information.

For the club year 2024-25, membership fees are...

  • £40 standard membership
  • £20 social membership (no running)
  • £20 vet  membership (age 65+)

We also subsidise England Athletics affiliation by £5 so you pay £14 not the full £19 (affiliation is optional).

Membership of BVR has a number of benefits:

  • Membership is 100% online! No more filling out paper membership forms, you can join and pay your annual subs online.
  • Wednesday night club runs, speed training, hill sessions and weekend runs.
  • Full support from qualified coaches and many experienced runners
  • Race discount (typically £2) when you enter Association of Running Clubs (ARC) permit events as an ‘attached’ runner
  • 10% discount from most running shops in the local area
  • Compete in the free monthly MABAC league events
  • Access to the BVR private Facebook group for runners in the UK
  • Access to the private BVR Strava group for runners
  • The annual subscription includes the fee for associate membership of Aldershot Cricket Club. This entitles you (and guest) to use the bar facilities whenever the bar is open

Those wishing to affiliate with England Athletics (EA) will also get:

  • Subsidised affiliation fee via BVR
  • Race discount (typically £2) when you enter England Athletics permit events as an ‘attached’ runner and are able to run as BVR
  • Eligible to enter the club draw for BVR’s guaranteed London Marathon place(s) if you have been a member for a year. (Other criteria also apply).

Everyone that becomes a member of BVR is expected to abide by the Club Rules, the Social Media Policy, and the Safeguarding Code of Conduct. You can find information about these at the foot of this web page.

Joining part way through the year?

The cost of a full year's membership (1st April to 31st March) is reduced by 25% every quarter. Here's how it works:

Joining April to June - £40.00

Joining July to September - £30.00

Joining October to December - £20.00

Joining January to March - £10.00

If you affiliate to England Athletics for the first time in January to March you will get up to 15 months affiliation.