Committee Members

Here you can see who's on our committee. We are all volunteers who want to make the club the best it can be!

We are always glad of  help from any willing helpers at Blackwater Valley Runners.  Contact us for more information


Ben Williamson


Ben is our Chair. The role of the Chair is to focus the committee's work for the benefit of all club members and he is always open to hearing your suggestions and new ideas. The Chair is also responsible for being the 'public face' of the club. He has particular responsibility for making sure members concerns are addressed.  Ben also organises the BVR Backyard Ultra event each Summer.

Ben is also the Run Leader for the RunTogether group Wellesley Runners, which offers Couch to 5K courses.

Club President

John Hogg


John is the President of Blackwater Valley Runners and has done over 200 marathons. He is also our representative for the MABAC running league, and organises the Farnham Park MABAC.


Steve Low


Steve may be the first committee member you come across, as he is at the other end of the 'Contact Us' form and will arrange a couple of free runs for anyone thinking of joining the club. As Secretary he organises the AGM, and takes the committee meeting minutes. He is also on the BVR race timing team, manages the BVR MABAC Points Championship, is the Health & Safety Officer, and does most of the paperwork for the Rushmoor Wellesley 10k. Steve has been with the club for about 30 years and has lots of experience of different races. He has done well over 100 marathons.



As Treasurer, Jennifer oversees the club accounts, banks your subscriptions and any other income, pays out expenses and presents the accounts at committee meetings and the AGM.

Finance Assistant


Alan is part of the Finance team and looks after the BVR monthly/annual account spreadsheets

Finance Assistant


Nella is part of the Finance team and looks after the BVR monthly/annual account spreadsheets.

Race Director

Dave Porter


Dave is race director of the Woodland Woggle 10k (and does all the paperwork). He's also race director for the Rushmoor 10k.  Outside of the club, he organises the Santa Run and Walk the Wards for Phyllis Tuckwell, and the Cranleigh 7-14-21 for MABAC. He also manages the MABAC web site.

Social Secretary & Team Captain


Pippa is a Social Secretary organising social events throughout the year. She leads on the Annual Dinner Dance/Awards Ceremony event and is general cheerleader and motivator. She also keeps the Committee happy with her home bakes!

Social Secretary


As Social Secretary. Gordon helps organise social events throughout the year and is always open to hearing your suggestions and new ideas.

Membership Secretary


Deb is responsible for integrating new members into the club, dealing with membership issues, handling England Athletics affiliation and keeping the membership books up to date.


Peter Duerden


Peter is the technical guru of the BVR web sites and social media. He is organiser the BVR monthly 2 Mile Handicap races and the BVR January Challenge, and is on the race timing team. He loves off-road running, jumping in the Basingstoke Canal, big hills and lots of mud.

Website Editor


 Heather maintains the website and has editorial over-sight as well as being resident photographer and creative designer! Each year she organises the February Bingo Run.

Social Media


Katie helps maintain the social media channels as well as being an extra pair of hands on the committee.

Social Media


Clare helps maintain the social media channels as well as being an extra pair of hands on the committee.

Kit Coordinator

Mary Thane


Mary is the Kit Coordinator. She looks after the club kit, ensures we have the right kit in stock and also deals with on-line kit orders.

Welfare Team

Our Welfare Team consists of two committee members and two welfare support officers. From welcoming new runners to supporting ill/injured runners, they are a friendly team for anyone needing any support.

Lead Welfare Officer


Dave is Lead Welfare Officer and Committee Member and ensures the members needs are recognised.

Welfare Officer


As Welfare Officer and Committee Member Rhiannon looks after our club members’ wellbeing

First Aid/Welfare Support
